Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wallabies in the Yard

Oh, they're just soooo sweet!  Yes, they eat my garden, but oh.... how adorable they are.  We don't see them every day, but we know they are there. Sometimes we just hear them thump-thumping as they hop around the tree ferns below the house.  Here's a couple of photos from last week.

And here's one!  I like this photo because the chair gives you a sense of how large he (she?) is:

And a closeup!
Our wallabies are a little shy.  Even though we're way up here in the house, far enough away that we could never be a threat, they don't stick around if we make any noise or move around much.  When we spot them, we have to be fairly quiet and move slowly - and even then the wallabies often run off.

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