Wednesday, February 6, 2013

More Babies: a Wallaby!!!

Y'day afternoon I was busy looking after the potted plants we have on the balcony when I spotted an adult wallaby on the slope below the house. And oh, what DELIGHT! She had a joey in her pouch - as she was nibbling on the grass, the little baby poked it's head out and was sampling the greenery, too.

 And LOOK! I managed to get a photo!

(Click the photo for a larger image) 

The picture is grainy, as I was some distance away and used the "zoom" on my camera to get the best possible shot.

 Our wallaby residents pretty much prevent me from having much of a flower garden (they devour everything), but oh... how lovely they are! I can buy flowers at the flower stand. Our wallaby family is priceless!


  1. Perfect paparazzi shot! love Mom's "shy" gesture. - Tracy

  2. LOL! You're right, Tracy, it does look like she's hiding her eyes!
