As part of my publicity campaign for the book, I sent complimentary copies of Flying Over the Rainbow to Jan and a few other radio personalities - hoping they would read it, enjoy it, and invite me on their programs to discuss it. I was tickled to pieces when Jan contacted me in late December saying she'd be in touch after her summer holiday to schedule an interview on her weekly program "Published or Not".
And so she did! I was there last Thursday, sitting in the studio, so excited to be there I could hardly breathe. I was one of two authors being interviewed that day - and thank HEAVENS they put me on first. I'm sure my jangled nerves would have been a lot worse if I'd been second. This was live-to-air radio (no "undo" buttons anywhere, folks...) and I was painfully aware that the microphone in front of me was transmitting anything and everything.
As the introduction theme music played, my heart started pounding like mad, and I developed a very bad case of "cotton mouth".
From the way Jan conducted the interview, it was obvious that she not only read the book, but liked it. Her enthusiasm for the book helped settle me down, and I managed to get through it without coming off like an idiot.
The station regularly records "Published or Not" and puts podcasts of the program on their website for a few days afterward. It won't be available for long, but anybody who checks their podcast page in the next week or so can listen in (Or try this direct link: "Published or Not | 10 Feb 2012").

Here I am, less than 30 seconds to air. Do I look relaxed? LOOK AGAIN! I was dying a thousand deaths...
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